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Mavi Kalem 10th Ordinary General Assembly has Gathered

Mavi Kalem 10th Ordinary General Assembly has Gathered

We are going forward by strengthening our management understanding which we have developed throughout a long time together with our new members.

The 10th Ordinary General Assembly of Mavi Kalem for the 2017-2019 term gathered on November 10th, 2019 Sunday at Cezayir Assembly Hall. The election for Board of Management and Board of Inspection took place.

In the new term, in the Board of Management Tiraje Zeynep Yüreğir, Döne Günay Kahraman and Cemaliye Yegane, and in the Board of Inspection Hayriye Kazancı, Meltem Arıoğlu and Şükran Anğay have joined us.

The information of the members that will take charge in the Board of Management and the Board of Inspection in the new term is below:

Board of Management Permanent Members

  1. Emine Filiz Ayla
  2. Tiraje Zeynep Yüreğir
  3. Döne Günay Kahraman
  4. Meryem Tomak
  5. Cemaliye Yagane

Board of Inspection Permanent Members

  1. Hayriye Kazancı
  2. Meltem Arıoğlu
  3. Şükran Anday

About mkalem

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