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Newsletter / August 2022 / We Are Together With Volunteers At Women’s Consultation Center

We Are Together With Volunteers At Women’s Consultation Center

“I feel as if Women’s Consultation Center is my second home.”

We have a network of volunteers to support the work we carry out at Women’s Consultation Center within the scope of Women’s Consultation Center and Mentoring for Local NGOs Project. We work and grow stronger with 113 women from Turkey, Syria, Palestine and other nationalities.

At Women’s Consultation Center, the volunteers have a room allocated exclusively for them, which they design as they wish and where they find space to develop their knowledge and skills in line with the work carried out at the center. Volunteer women come together in the volunteers’ room during the week according to the responsibilities they undertake in the activities organized at Women’s Consultation Center. There is also a whatsapp group we have set up to maintain communication when we cannot meet face to face. Through this group, we not only provide communication between volunteers, but also share social media posts and current news about Mavi Kalem and Women’s Consultation Center.

Volunteer women who met with Mavi Kalem and Women’s Consultation Center and willingly support the work of the center in line with their wishes and skills as part of the volunteer network, express the meaning of working for women with women in their words: “I feel as if Women’s Consultation Center is my second home. I move on by working voluntarily and adding something from myself, but I think we have come to this point because we are together. Women’s Consultation Center is a huge support for me and other women as well.”

About mkalem

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