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Refugee Activity at the Western Border of Turkey

Refugee Activity at the Western Border of Turkey


Starting from February 28th; Afghan, Iranian, Senegalese, and Syrian women, children and men have been going to the western borders of Turkey, with the news that Turkey’s borders to Europe will be open.fghjgjhgy

When the refugees were not permitted to cross to the Greek side of the border, they gathered at an empty field in Edirne Pazarkule. The population has been increasing there and in other areas around the border since Saturday.

A 3 people team from Mavi Kalem went to Pazarkule on Saturday, February 29th to assess the situation and the needs. Mavi Kalem has worked in coordination with Edirne Provincial Immigration Directorate, ASAM, Social Cooperation and Solidarity Foundation, and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the area.

Because the border area is a transition area, it does not have the sufficient conditions for sheltering. People in the area, including babies, children and pregnant women, are staying on a cold and wet ground in changing weather conditions. The need for materials to protect the refugees from cold and rain is continuous.

As the crowd gets bigger every day, there are an increasing number women and children among the newcomers. Fulfillment of the special needs of women and children among the basic needs will increase their survival energy. For this reason, it is important that the food packages that are being distributed by various organizations support the groups who have special needs such as babies, children, the elderly, and pregnant women. Because drinking water is also used for cleaning purposes, it is necessary that clean water is provided often and regularly every day.


As long as Mavi Kalem was in the field, it has been a part of the humanitarian aid work. Mavi Kalem has provided materials such as high calorie food, sanitary pads, diapers, wet wipes, and baby food.

Mavi Kalem field team left the area in the evening of March 2nd and still monitors the process. We follow the needs that change according to the population and the conditions in the field and plan our work accordingly.

You can make donations from here to support Mavi Kalem’s work.



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