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Home / COVID - 19 / We Are Preserving the Physical Distance while Supporting Social Proximity and Solidarity

We Are Preserving the Physical Distance while Supporting Social Proximity and Solidarity


Mavi Kalem aims to carry out the process of protection from COVID-19 with an approach that will develop relationship networks and working styles that will support physical distance as well as social proximity and solidarity. We will develop and apply these styles together.

To abide to and support the precautions of protection, we are going to work from home until the 31st of March.

As we are an organization that works in the field grounding on personal contact, these regulations mean that some of our activities will be cancelled and some will be practiced through digital systems.

COVID-19 is a relatively new virus and there is a lot of unknown information about it. One of the things we know is that it spreads similarly and has similar effects in different countries. In Turkey, just like the other parts of the world, neither the healthcare field nor our habits are in a condition to handle an epidemic like this rapidly. However, the relationship with this virus and the protection process being managed with information and precaution rather than fear will protect us and the ones around us. There are many behaviors we should change and also precautions we should take institutionally and personally.

To provide the sustainability of our services, we are updating our services by following the changes in the working styles of public institutions.

Information about the 184 Corona Consultation Line, which was prepared by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, can be found on the doors of our offices, will soon be available on our social media accounts and this information will also be shared with the people who call Mavi Kalem for consultancy.

A recording system was generated to follow the health conditions of the women, children, and men who come to our office, for referral whenever necessary and for the protection of the ones who are in close contact to them.

Maintaining our sensitivity about the privacy of personal information, we are aiming to take precautions about COVID-19 in situations that threaten the public health and when it is compulsory to notify.

Our work regarding the generalization of our new working styles and the information about COVID-19 can be followed on our social media accounts and on our website.


Personal Precautions That Can Be Taken

There are two basic things to do to protect ourselves from the disease: To strengthen out immunity and to reduce contagion.

  • To strengthen your immunity: drink a lot of water, have a balanced diet and be careful of your sleep schedule.

COVID-19 can be transmitted through air by respiration, sneezes and coughs or by contact with a surface that has virus on. If we reduce the amount of virus our body is contacting, the risk of getting infected also decreases. For this reason, the hygiene of both the space and our hands are important. To reduce the contagion:

  • When you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth with a napkin and throw away the napkin right afterwards.
  • Do not touch your face with your hands without washing your hands. The viruses can go into your body through your mouth, eyes, and nose more easily.
  • Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water, if this is not possible you can rub your hands with alcohol or an alcohol based gel.
  • The spaces that are used collectively, especially the surfaces that are frequently touched with hands (such as doors, buttons, phones, etc.) should be cleaned regularly.
  • Try not to share personal belongings such as towels.
  • When your clothes contact an outside surface (such as your pants when you sit in the bus), wash them or put them somewhere where they will not contact you or your other clothes.
  • Air the room regularly wherever you are. Let fresh air in. This will decrease the number of viruses in the air, and therefore decrease the risk of you and others getting infected.
  • Do not go to crowded places as long as it is not a necessity. If you have to go, wear a mask and preserve the physical distance with other people.
  • The contagion period of COVID-19 is identified as 14 days; it can rarely go up to 24 days. If you have the symptoms of a mild respiratory disease, stay at home for 14 days to protect yourself and others. If you have to go out, wear a mask.
  • You can also cover your mouth with a scarf instead of a mask.
  • Cancel or postpone any planned trips. Isolate yourself as much as possible.
  • Especially, do not get into contact with the elderly or people with chronic diseases.
  • If you have high fever, cough, or breathing difficulty; call 184.

This information and list of precautions is prepared based on the information notes, explanations, and precaution suggestions of World Health Organization (WHO) on COVID-19.


You can call the numbers below for consultancy and to reach us.


Fatih Project Office: 05530468228

Zeytinburnu ve Kocaeli Project Offices: 05050860089

Adana Representation: 05524320537

Esenyurt Women’s Consultation and Solidarity Center: 05531990082


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