Tuesday , July 16 2024
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What are some factors that can increase the effect of COVID-19?

What are some factors that can increase the effect of COVID-19?

  • Presence of another disease, for example:
    • Hypertension
    • Diabetes
    • Lung diseases
    • Hearth diseases
    • Cancer
    • Chronic kidney and liver diseases
  • Age
    • Especially after 65 years of age, the effect of the disease increases with age.

If the factors that can increase the effect of COVID-19 are present in you, what can you do?

  • Do not take the responsibility of taking care of children.
  • Do not contact anybody unless it is necessary.
  • Keep a certain distance from people (2 steps or 1 meter) at home and outside.
  • Do not go outside unless it is necessary.
  • Do not go to crowded places.
  • Do not use public transportation, especially during busy hours.
  • Ask for support when you need something, such as grocery shopping (from your family, your neighbors, etc.).

What can you do to support people who have the factors that can increase the effect of COVID-19?

  • You can support the slowdown of contagion by keeping a distance from people.
  • You can go grocery shopping for your family or your neighbors who are older than 65 or who have chronic diseases.
  • If you get together with people who are above 65 or who have a chronic disease, do not get close to them, leave space and use a mask.

About mkalem

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