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Newsletter / August 2022 / Mavi Kalem and Women’s Consultation Center in the European Press

Mavi Kalem and Women’s Consultation Center in the European Press

Since September 2021, we have been working within the scope of Women’s Consultation Center and Mentoring for Local NGOs Project in Esenyurt. At the beginning of June 2022, The Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and journalists from various countries visited our center in order to see our work in the center. Lisa Hastert, who is responsible for communication actions in Turkey, Ukraine, Caucasus and Central Asia from ECHO, and Didem Ayberkin, Public Relations and Communications Officer from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmBH attended the visit. We had a pleasant day, including the beneficiaries, chatting over tea and coffee, sharing our work and establishing closer relations.

Journalists representing El Pais from Spain, ARD from Germany, Publico from Portugal and Libération from France interviewed the beneficiaries of the center and our friends from the project team. Meanwhile, they had the opportunity to observe the Turkish language course for foreigners, skill development course and handicraft workshop held at the center. They were also able to closely examine their work by visiting the stands where the volunteers and beneficiaries of the center exhibited their handicrafts.

Newspaper coverages were published at the end of July. The news focused on the stories of the beneficiaries and volunteers who were interviewed. The courses they attended at Women’s Consultation Center and the skills they acquired, their process of being together and empowerment were conveyed through the words of women. In the coverage of the German newspaper ARD, the beneficiaries and volunteers expressed their gladness regarding what they learned about women’s liberation at Mavi Kalem, the legal and psychological support they received, and their happiness for meeting Mavi Kalem. The same coverage also included Mavi Kalem Capacity Building Director Arzu Karacanlar’s words to describe Mavi Kalem, its activities and collaborations.

You may access the news about Mavi Kalem and Women Consultation Center published on Publico’s website from the link below.







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