MaviKalem launched the “Equalize Life” campaign between March 3-9 as part of its “Women Access Income” program in Hatay. The campaign supports women producers and entrepreneurs while emphasizing gender equality. MaviKalem, with the #equalizelife campaign: Promote women’s work and products. Will make women’s labor visible to promote economic equality. Draw ...
Women Tell Their Stories with Art!
Mavi Kalem continues to support women trying to rebuild their lives after the earthquake in Hatay. In November 2024, a project was launched to tell women’s success stories about the difficulties, problems and solutions they experienced after the earthquake. The project involves women telling their stories by themselves and ...
Devamı..MaviKalem’s #LetsBuyFromWomenProducers Campaign
MaviKalem supported women’s participation in economic and social life, women’s empowerment and women manufacturers. In this context, the “Women Reaching Income” program, which has been running since last year, was strengthened with a series of new events, support and campaigns. On January 27, MaviKalem launched a new campaign under the ...
Devamı..We Support Children’s Continuing Education
Ayşe’s mother says, “My daughter wants to go to school very much, but we cannot support her financially. It is difficult for us to meet her school needs such as bags and stationery,” Ayşe’s mother says. “I really want her to go to school, but there is nothing we can ...
Devamı..Our 2024 Efforts in Hatay: Basic Needs Distribution and Access to Clean Water
Basic Needs Distributions In 2024, we continued to distribute to people affected by the earthquake in Hatay, especially women, children and people with difficulties in accessing support. Around 50,000 people were reached with necessities. We distributed hygiene kits, baby kits, dry food, blankets and radiators. Distributions were made in ...
Devamı..Mavi Kalem Entered 2025 With A Bang!
Our Head Office is now in Kadıköy! We left our field work in our offices and moved to Kadıköy as an administrative office. It was not easy to say goodbye to our old neighborhood; it was also very difficult for us to leave behind all the memories and efforts we ...
Devamı..Women’s Success Stories Inspire Everyone: Women Access Income
The Women Access to Income Program emerged as a result of field feedback and observations in Hatay, one of the provinces most affected by the February 6 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes. In the program, we aimed to provide support for women’s empowerment, income generation and combating women’s poverty. After the earthquake, women ...
Devamı..What was done at Esenyurt Women’s Counseling Center in 2024?
In 2024, 12,000 women benefited from the services of Esenyurt Women’s Counseling Center. Service recipients were Turkish and refugee women, and services were provided bilingually in Turkish and Arabic. Women were provided with general counseling on education, health, basic needs and legal issues, referral to public institutions, accompaniment and interpretation ...
Devamı..Pss Studies With Women And Children In The Second Year Of The Earthquake
On the second year of the Kahramanmaraş earthquake, Mavi Kalem organized group events and facilitated individual interviews to support the well-being of women and children in Hatay. This work was part of the project “Supporting Basic Needs and Strengthening Well-being of Earthquake-Affected Households in Hatay”, funded by Stichting Vluchteling and ...
Devamı..Women’s Concerns about Returning to Syria: Security, Education and Lack of Social Support Stand Out
Sunday, December 8 was a remarkable day for Syrians living in Turkey. With the collapse of the 61-year rule in Syria, some important changes have taken place. While these developments and the international mobilization signaled the beginning of a new process, they also brought along some uncertainties. Since 2012, MaviKalem ...