The questions and problems of women who called the Mavi Kalem Free Consultation Line were also instrumental in the creation of the ‘COVID-19, Women and Health’ brochure series. We have been conducting various studies on women’s health in disaster and emergency situations for years. The Covid-19 pandemic has increased the ...
Newsletter / March 2022 / Women’s Rights in the Pandemic
We have prepared a video series to make the increasing difficulties in the lives of women during the Covid-19 pandemic more visible. The increase in gender inequality during disasters and emergencies increases the vulnerability of women. As we have encountered in previous disasters and emergencies, the Covid-19 pandemic has made ...
Devamı..Newsletter / March 2022 / Adventures of a Family Man
In the Covid-19 pandemic, we have developed a game for men by making use of digital tools. Adventures of a Family Man is a mobile game designed and developed for men, by Mavi Kalem. This game was designed and created with the teams of Mavi Kalem and TCA Games with ...
Devamı..Newsletter / January 2022 / How did we work in the second year of the pandemic?
How did we work in the second year of the pandemic? The second year of the pandemic at Mavi Kalem was another year in which we gained a lot of experience and learned. With what we learned, we reviewed our work and adapted it to new situations, did not hesitate ...
Devamı..Newsletter / January 2022 / How Did We Make Contact with the Lives of Beneficiaries in 2021?
How Did We Make Contact with the Lives of Beneficiaries in 2021? In 2021, we have proceeded on our consultancy and protection support works. The Consultation Line was launched in September 2020, when we started working remotely due to the impact of and measures concerning the pandemic, as a toll-free ...
Devamı..Newsletter / January 2022 / Adventures of a Family Man
Adventures of a Family Man Mobile Phone Game Designed by a Non-Governmental Organization Adventures of a Family Man is a men-only game designed and developed by Mavi Kalem. This game was designed and created with the teams of Mavi Kalem and TCA Games under the consultancy of two sociologists, a ...
Devamı..Newsletter / January 2022 / Our Collaborative Work with Eurasian Turkish Associations Federation
Our Collaborative Work with Eurasian Turkish Associations Federation In 2021, one of our significant collaborations was established with the Eurasian Turkish Associations Federation. The Eurasian Turkish Associations Federation gathers 11 non-governmental organizations founded by refugees from Afghanistan and Turkic Republics under the same roof. These non-governmental organizations work in ...
Devamı..Newsletter / January 2022 / How We Adapted the ToTs to Digital?
How We Adapted the ToTs to Digital? I will not forget that you gave importance to the first, not the theoretical education dimension of the event; but to emotions and skills by listening, staying neutral, conveying information correctly. A participant from 2021 Digital ToT Mavi Kalem ToTs are the ...
Devamı..Newsletter / January 2022 / The Promising Story of The Rabbits on the Moon
Rabbits on the Moon is a children’s book that contains many themes such as disaster, migration, hope, solidarity and empowerment. It tells the story of rabbits who are separated from each other as a result of a disaster and cannot be reunited for generations. It includes perseverance, solidarity, peace, as ...
Devamı..Newsletter / January 2022 / We are with Women Again in Esenyurt
We had carried out the Women’s Consultation and Solidarity Center project within the scope of the Community Based Local Initiatives Program (CLIP 1), which ended in February 2021. Within the scope of CLIP 2, which started in July 2021, we continue the work of the Women’s Consultation Center in the ...