Tuesday , July 16 2024
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We Support Our Working Teams

We carry out capacity building activities to support our working teams both in their work areas and psychosocially. Our capacity building activities since the beginning of this year have been Arabic lessons, communication studies and art therapy. Arabic Lessons Due to the Syrian refugees being one of our main work ...


2020 Annual Report is Published

2020 has been one of the most challenging years in Mavi Kalem’s 20-year life. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, we have reorganized all our work and tried to get used to the pandemic. After working from home, we created environments in our offices where we can live with COVID-19. When we ...


Child Protection Office Opened in Esenyurt

Esenyurt is a region where risks and sensitivities are high due to the dense refugee population and the lack of civil society support. We opened a child protection office in Esenyurt, after Fatih and Kocaeli, in order to increase civil society support and expand child protection efforts. Working together with ...


What is happening at the Consultation Line?

In this pandemic period, especially in order to support vaccination, we ask all clients who call the line about the vaccination status of individuals living in the household and whether they need support for vaccination appointments. We get their opinions on vaccines and explain the importance of immunization with vaccines ...


What are the activities with children?

  We get together with children every week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at events with specific themes. These events range from learning to play a musical instrument to handicrafts and COVID-19 information. With the activities we organize, we aim to both support the psychosocial well-being of children and ...


-18 is a child, not a mother

“In order to change the society, one must start with herself. If you don’t get your daughter married before the age of 18, if I don’t, if she doesn’t, then when other families look for girls for their children, they won’t be able to find anyone under the age of ...
