Handicraft and painting workshops conducted by volunteer women at the Women’s Consultation Centre in Esenyurt district of Istanbul have started. These workshops, which are part of our activities with the theme of women coming together, talking, and sharing, and having a pleasant time, started in August. So far, we have ...
MaviKalem has published A Game Impact Analysis Report of An Adventure of a father of the Family.
MaviKalem has published A Game Impact Analysis Report of An Adventure of a Father of the Family. Our report show the results of our game, which we meticulously produce and monitor by putting on it every year since 2020. An Adventure of the Father of the Family is the first ...
Devamı..Our Support Work in the Marmara Region for People Affected by the Earthquake
We supported 80 children to access their basic needs and 112 children to access services On the morning of February 6th, two earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.7 and 7.6 occurred in Kahramanmaraş. According to official data, 50,783 people lost their lives, 115,353 people were injured and 37,984 buildings were ...
Devamı..We share and socialize together as women
Since the day we were founded, we have been carrying out women-oriented work. An important part of our efforts to empower women is to support refugee women. We organize various activities to support refugee women to get to know the environment and culture they live in, to share their own ...
Devamı..On-the-job support visits to non-governmental organizations have started
We are working to strengthen local non-governmental organizations. In this context, we organize meetings between organizations that allow sharing of knowledge and experience, thinking and learning together. In the first step of these meetings, we hosted the associations we work with in our offices in the Marmara region and shared ...
Devamı..MaviKalem Melodika Group gave a concert
MaviKalem Melodika Group gave a concert Zahide, Rayan, Ruhaş and Lava, who have been regularly participating in our music events and playing melodica for years, took part in the İklim için Bizimle Söyle (Sing for Climate with Us) concert of Mavi Nota Halk Türküleri Topluluğu. Melodika Group, which was formed ...
Devamı..We talked about Children’s Rights and Respect for Differences Workshop on TRT1
MaviKalem was the guest of TRT1 Radio’s Günebakan program on 29 June. In the program, there was a conversation about the “Children’s Rights and Respect for Differences” workshop developed by MaviKalem in 2022. You can listen to the program in the video below, and you can access the workshop result ...
Devamı..MaviKalem Hatay Girls’ Status Report is Out
The “Hatay Girls Status Report”, in which we analyzed the results of the interviews we conducted with girls in Hatay on 07-09 April 2023 is published. Our report is based on interviews with 25 girls between the ages of 15 and 18 in Üç Gedik, Serinyol, Anayazı neighborhoods of the ...
Devamı..‘Children’s Rights and Respect for Differences’ Workshops Final Report is Released
‘Children’s Rights and Respect for Differences’ Workshops Final Report is Released We designed and started the ‘Children’s Rights and Respect for Differences’ workshop in 2022 for children aged 7-14. Workshop was developed under the umbrella of the Gender-Based Violence Prevention-Intervention and Child Protection Project as part of Mavi Kalem’s ...
Devamı..Our workshops on preventing violence against women with men continue
Our workshops on preventing violence against women with men continue We continue the workshops on gender-based violence with men that we started last year. The workshops take place with men who are adult, married and with children. It is conducted in Arabic and conversational style by an expert working ...